
Science of Living Department: Life Science Major

Providing the skills and knowledge needed to excel in enterprise and withing the regional community. Students will broaden their horizons, deepen their understanding and investigate what is needed to improve society. Through studying a range of different subjects, students can open the door to a wider future.

Science of Living Department: Life Science Major

Providing the skills and knowledge needed to excel in enterprise and withing the regional community. Students will broaden their horizons, deepen their understanding and investigate what is needed to improve society. Through studying a range of different subjects, students can open the door to a wider future.

A Unique Way of Learning

Participation in the Local Community

Through joining programs aimed at contributing to the regional community and volunteer activities, students deepen their understanding and connections with the local population.

Enhancing Self-expression

Students will learn business skills and the ability to adapt and express their opinions in any situation. Students will also learn how to better express themselves through word and production of various works.

Promoting Cooperation and Research Through Team Work

Students will carry out research projects in small teams. Here they will learn the value of working together effectively to achieve a goal.

Licenses and Qualifications

  • Certified Business Information Administrator Senior Level
  • Certified Secretary Senior Level
  • Certified Secretary Senior Level (Medical Field)
  • Certified Business Administrator Senior Level
  • Social Welfare Officer
  • Fashion Advisor (Accredited by this College)

Proficiency Examinations

  • Japanese Word Processing Proficiency Examination
  • Information Processing Proficiency Examination (Spreadsheets)
  • Information Technology Passport Examination
  • Official Business Skills Examination in Bookkeeping/Securities Broker Qualification Examination
  • Financial Planning Qualification Examination
  • Official Secretarial Qualification Examination/ The Eiken Test in Practical English Proficiency
  • Fashion Marketing Accreditation Examination

Licenses and Qualifications

  • Local Art Exhibitions
  • Honba Oshima-Tsumugi Design Exhibitions