カナダ留学レポート Vol.3

カナダ留学レポート Vol.3

教育・心理学科4年 K.K.さん

 Two months have passed since I came to Canada. I’ve gotten used to life and school here. I introduce my experience in Canada. 

 I went to see the ice hockey game with my friends. It’s a very famous sport in Canada, so many Canadian go to see it every winter. It was a local team match that day, so the stadium livened up. During break time, we enjoyed the children’s hockey game.


 This lighthouse is called Pegy’s Cove Lighthouse and is one of Nova Scotia’s most well-known lighthouses. It’s usually windy but luckily that day there was hardly any wind, so the weather was perfect. We ate Nova Scotia’s famous lobster and fish & chips there.


 After school, I often participate in school activities. I went to Canadian boring that day. The size of the ball is very very small. Its ball is the same size as a handball. It looked simple, but it was very difficult.

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